You may have heard the name of social worker Rakesh Kumar, who does not know him, Rakesh Kumar ji is a world famous social worker of Uttarakhand, he has done many such tasks for which Google India still tops him even today. The name is taken in the highest category, he has done many such works which are done for the betterment of the public, the first issue is Rakesh Kum. Ar ji raises his highest credit for reaching the highest level of Google India among his parents, his parents who have given him good education and
initiation at home and Rakesh Kumar ji took all the education at home and also in college. For this Rakesh Kumar ji has won many names in the field of society, whether it becomes a Facebook group, he promotes Hindutva on his Facebook And as far as it is concerned, he also supported Rakesh Kumar ji. He said that what destroys our Indian culture is not good for our country. He has given the glory of his religious beliefs in many places. Known and are going to do a lot of things for people later on and they put their views on a big website
initiation at home and Rakesh Kumar ji took all the education at home and also in college. For this Rakesh Kumar ji has won many names in the field of society, whether it becomes a Facebook group, he promotes Hindutva on his Facebook And as far as it is concerned, he also supported Rakesh Kumar ji. He said that what destroys our Indian culture is not good for our country. He has given the glory of his religious beliefs in many places. Known and are going to do a lot of things for people later on and they put their views on a big website
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