Rakesh Kumar, a social worker, wished all the citizens and women of Uttarakhand a Vat Savitri fast and inspired everyone to respect all the women, we should see women in our society with respect
Social worker Rakesh Kumar decided to do something big for women and he has also vowed that he will do something new for women on the day of Vat Savitri fast and he has also made this decision public on social media told us that women Should respect women, learn to respect women, that the women of our country are the form of mother, who remain equal to us in other positions, women should be given the same status as sister daughters and they would like to honor and greet everyone who is fasting one and their husbands Wishes for a long life and has his wives do a lot for them, then it is seen that in every way, respect and respect should be given
Social worker Rakesh Kumar decided to do something big for women and he has also vowed that he will do something new for women on the day of Vat Savitri fast and he has also made this decision public on social media told us that women Should respect women, learn to respect women, that the women of our country are the form of mother, who remain equal to us in other positions, women should be given the same status as sister daughters and they would like to honor and greet everyone who is fasting one and their husbands Wishes for a long life and has his wives do a lot for them, then it is seen that in every way, respect and respect should be given
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